Вопросы аюрведическому доктору из Индии
vedic | Дата: Четверг, 27.05.2010, 16:05 | Сообщение # 1 |
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Доктор Шарон, владелец аюрведической клиники "Сахасраю аюрведа" ответит на ваш вопрос по здоровью и по теории аюрведы, главное, чтобы вопрос был кратким и понятным.
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vedic.su@gmail.com skype: nickolay1008
Elka | Дата: Вторник, 08.06.2010, 12:28 | Сообщение # 11 |
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| Thanks a lot, Dr Anil. 1/ Did I understand correctly, that you recommend to finsh with medicine I described and start with another one? 2/ What is your opinion about kundalini yoga and hatha yoga (I go for this practice and like it a lot, but have some doubts regarding "fire breath" and some warming up pranayamas. Is it good for me currently and generally in regards with my constitution?) 3/ Food - What is your opinion about milk products - cottage cheese, curdled milk, kefir (not milk itself). Namaste
vedic | Дата: Среда, 09.06.2010, 07:04 | Сообщение # 12 |
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| Dear Madam Yes you understood it correctly,medicines along with some treatments and restricted food,a combination....rather than medicines alone Please try to avoid everything that makes you red,angry situations,spicy food Even though I am not a professional in Yoga,I would like to recommend you to avoid that 'fire breath'.Yoga generally is good for you,but do not over strain yourselves. I would recommend fresh milk products,I know it may be difficult to find it though.Freshly prepared cottage cheese we call it Paneer in India I have seen women taking kefir in Russia a lot, I tried to experiment it and I have taken almost all brands of kefir in your market last winter.From my experience I take three table spoons of kefir after every meal or in empty stomach.It was helpful for my stomach.I tried the room temperature kefir not directly from refrigerator.Try it and share your experience. warm regards Dr Anil
Лечение в клиниках Индии, консультации с аюрведическим доктором онлайн, ведический гороскоп от джйотиш-пандита, ведические ритуалы для коррекции гороскопа
vedic.su@gmail.com skype: nickolay1008
vedic | Дата: Среда, 09.06.2010, 07:07 | Сообщение # 13 |
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| Уважаемые пользователи! Ветка работает в тестовом режиме. Первые десять вопросов вы можете задавать бесплатно. Осталось 6-ть вопросов!!! Успевайте! Затем будет символическая плата (планирую сделать 100 рублей).
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vedic.su@gmail.com skype: nickolay1008
Elena4537 | Дата: Среда, 09.06.2010, 13:36 | Сообщение # 14 |
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| Ну, раз так, будем успевать Dear Dr Anil! What would you recommend for the treatment of chronic bronchitis and strengthen immunity? Is it possible with the help of Ayurveda to get rid of HPV? By what means can affect the cardiovascular system of an elderly person, to normalize the pressure and prevent the development of coronary heart disease (if any)? Thanks a lot.
Пракрити: Питта Викрити: Вата-Питта-Капха
vedic | Дата: Пятница, 11.06.2010, 06:52 | Сообщение # 15 |
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| Dear Madam 1. As you know chronic bronchitis is a difficult situation Ayurveda could help a lot. Ayurvedic medicines such as Dasamoolakadutyadi Kashayam,Nayopayam kashyam,Dhanwantaram gulika,Thaleesapatradi choornam ,Sitopaladi choornam karpooradi choornam,dasamoola rasyanam etc are helpful. Urovasti is a treatment procedure that will be helpful.Not going to details of treatment. Diet is a very important factor some tips for your diet and other regimens to be followed while you are undergoing treatment of bronchits: * Sour substances shoud be strickly avoided if you want to cure bronchitis fast. Fruits like banana, potato, rice should also be avoided. * Avoid smoking and consumption of liquor should be reduced to the minimum, rather should not be taken at all. * Take care not to strain your already weak body by vigorous physical activity and exercises. * Avoid exposure to cold and damp weather. * You should avoid all the cold beverages. * If the patient is a child, then extra care must be taken as children are very sensitive. Taking steam is also helpful. 2.HPV is a difficult situation to cure even in ayurveda.In my practice some immunity enhancing medicines available in Indian market is helpful.But long term use is essential.I have seen Pancha karma treatment is helpful in improving immunity. 3.Basically cardiovascular is related with life style I dont want to discuss this in this forum as you may be well aware it. I can give you a home remedy.Take three small pieces of garlic from a bulb of garlic add 30 ml of milk add 60 ml of water and reduce the whole mixture in fire to 60 ml and take it at bed time. Urovasti,sirodhara could also be helpful.This should be done with presence of an Ayurvedic doctor please do contact me if you need any clarification warm regards Dr Anil K Xavier
Лечение в клиниках Индии, консультации с аюрведическим доктором онлайн, ведический гороскоп от джйотиш-пандита, ведические ритуалы для коррекции гороскопа
vedic.su@gmail.com skype: nickolay1008
Elena4537 | Дата: Пятница, 11.06.2010, 09:39 | Сообщение # 16 |
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| Доброе утро! Николай, передайте, пожалуйста, огромное спасибо доктору и пожелания всех благ. Dear Dr Anil! Thank you for your attention and advice! I wish you all the best. Вам тоже спасибо Еще, могу ли я уточнить у Вас "Taking steam is also helpful." - имеются в виду в данном случае паровые ингаляции, паром дышать? И такой вопрос, подскажите, можно ли в России достать те препараты, которые доктор обозначил в начале поста?
Пракрити: Питта Викрити: Вата-Питта-Капха
Сообщение отредактировал Elena4537 - Пятница, 11.06.2010, 09:42 |
vedic | Дата: Пятница, 11.06.2010, 15:22 | Сообщение # 17 |
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| Elena4537, добрый день еще раз! Quote (Elena4537) Еще, могу ли я уточнить у Вас "Taking steam is also helpful." - имеются в виду в данном случае паровые ингаляции, паром дышать? Доктор имел ввиду аюрведическую процедуру дхума или ингаляция паром лечебных трав. Вы правы. Quote (Elena4537) можно ли в России достать те препараты, которые доктор обозначил в начале поста? Сейчас нет железного занавеса, слава богу. Люди после окончания муссонов снова поедут в Индию на отдых. В Гоа их купить вполне реально, привезти из Гоа в Россию тоже без проблем. А вот выслать почтой, хм. Я спрошу доктора. Но достать при определенных усилиях, конечно, реально. Я, например, привез из Гоа по заказу моей клиентки махаманджиштакашайа. Правда, мне немного легче - я знаю где искать в Индии эти вещи и цены знаю. Но это уже технические мелочи.
Лечение в клиниках Индии, консультации с аюрведическим доктором онлайн, ведический гороскоп от джйотиш-пандита, ведические ритуалы для коррекции гороскопа
vedic.su@gmail.com skype: nickolay1008
Никка | Дата: Пятница, 11.06.2010, 20:57 | Сообщение # 18 |
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| Hello everybody!!! Dear Dr Anil! Thank you for your attention for us and pieces advice! Can you consult me: 1. about troubles with my face skin. I'm vatta-pitta i try to have a diet. but it's too cruel to have some terribles with my skin. they are akne and пигментация every summer 2. How we in Russia, can do immunal system of our little children to improove, do better? my daughter is almost 3 years, I must say she feels ill too often((( - I suffer from all this(((. What I should do? thank you very much.
vedic | Дата: Воскресенье, 13.06.2010, 09:45 | Сообщение # 19 |
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| Hi Face is mirror of our mind.If our mind is happy it reflects in our face.Its a general saying... Ayurveda is a system of medicine which looks not only on the face but also on the individuality of a human being. A lot will depend on your state of your appetite ,bowel movements,etc not going to details of consultation. Ayurvedic medicine such as Kukumadi tailaim for external application on the affected part and nasyam(nasal application) is found to be helpful on a long term. Make sure that you have regular bowel movement.Avoid or reduce chocolate,cheese and oily food.Intake of Ayurvedic preperations and treatments such as nasyam will help you.Not going to details of medicines and treatment. Drink tea made of turmeric, coriander,fennel in equal quantities before food twice daily could also help a lot. Immunity in Russia is a very big issue due to extreme climatic conditions and children suffer a lot. Make children eat regularly,reduce usage of junk food. Some medicines such as Rajanyadi choornam and Chyavanprasam are really helpful.Some immunity enhancing ayurvedic medicines such as Immunocin syrup is available in Indian market is also found to be helpful. If you need any clarifications I will be happy to answer. regards Dr Anil
Лечение в клиниках Индии, консультации с аюрведическим доктором онлайн, ведический гороскоп от джйотиш-пандита, ведические ритуалы для коррекции гороскопа
vedic.su@gmail.com skype: nickolay1008
Никка | Дата: Воскресенье, 13.06.2010, 19:51 | Сообщение # 20 |
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| Dr Anil, thank you so much for such a quick and detail recomendations))) I'll be a good student!!! I always knew this general saying: Face is mirror of our mind.If our mind is happy it reflects in our face. the reason is that in Russia woman suffers a lot((( Have a good practice, be happy!!! From Syberia with love!